Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Always Behind The Camera

I am usually always behind the camera.
I have a million pictures of my girls,
but as I look through my pictures,
I barely have any pictures of my girls WITH their mommy.
One day, 
I am hoping to get professional pictures done of our family
without having to use the timer. lol
I decided we would set up the camera and take a few
mommy and girl pics so that when they look back
at the millions and millions of pictures,
at least they will see a few pictures mixed in there
of their mommy and the incredible love I have for them.
Here is our little photo shoot from today!


1 comment:

  1. Love these. I need to remember to give the camera over to someone else now and then - even if they don't know how to use it "properly" lol and even if I feel too fat. Tristan needs to see pictures of him and his Mama! <3

    These photos are lovely! Can't believe you're moving!
