Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day To Day

Every day is a new day.
I never know what the day will bring.
Each day brings 
Staying home with my two girls is never boring.
never slow.
never quiet.

Here is a glimpse into the house of the Haggett's:

*Every time the furnace comes on, Ellie says "HOT Mommy, HOT!"

*Priscilla asks for a dance party at least once a day.

*Never give a 2&1/2 and 1&1/2 year old glitter and glue because you 
will be seeing glitter all over the house for the next year.

*You better be able to sing & pray if you are going to put my children to bed.

*Ellie does NOT stop talking. EVER! She will repeat the same thing 100 times 
if she feels it is appropriate and she will not stop talking from the minute she 
wakes up until the moment she goes to sleep. ALWAYS BLABBING!!!

*every day Ellie has a saying she says over and over randomly throughout the day
ex. "Papa's hands dirty" "I don't like puppets" "finger in the door"

*you cannot go into the bathroom without both girls asking to brush their teeth

*Pea is obsessed with helping in the kitchen from doing dishes to making dinner

*When I am having a rough day with the girls, Pea asks daddy to do a craft for mommy

Thursday, November 1, 2012

On Hold

I regret to inform you
that my dreads will be put on hold.
It saddens me to be saying this
but I just can't do it.
I have spent the past week trying.
Dreads are ridiculously hard! 
At least if you want to do them properly and have them look nice.
I am a person that is persistent on getting it right.
I won't do it unless I can do it properly.
and I just can't get it.
I can do many things to my own hair but
I just can't.
until I can find a ridiculously amazing dreader
in my area or I go to Massachusetts
where my dream dreader lives,
I will have to just wait.
and in the meantime,
I may have braids more often than not
just because it gives me a little feeling of dreads
and makes me feel happy!

On a side note:
If you read my last blog,
you will know that yesterday was an AWFUL day.
but I have to say,
this morning was WONDERFUL!
The girls and I baked some cheese biscuits 
and had a little tea party.
There was cheese squished into our carpet in the kitchen
and Maelle ended up dumping cups of flour on her lap
when I had turned my head
but all in all,
it's been a GREAT day!
"some days are like that, even in Australia"
Alexander and the terrible , horrible, no good, very bad day