Monday, October 21, 2013

A Skinny Girl's Perspective

You all know those women
that have a baby and then a month later are thinner than
you have been in your entire life.
I am one of those women.
I have been struggling with this for years now.
Ever since I had my first little girl.
I know,
you are probably saying
"what is she struggling with?"
but the fact is,
it is not all fine and dandy being thin.
When you lose the weight that fast,
not only do you get dirty looks from other mothers
but you are constantly bombarded with the oh so famous
angry comments followed by a "just kidding".
At first it didn't bother me.
I shook it off and held my head up.
But after having 3 babies
and still getting comments thrown at you
left, right & center,
it is getting a little harder to deal with.
I am not wanting pity.
I just want women out there to see the other side.
The side from a skinny girl
that can't control her weight loss.
There are many days that I just wish I could hold onto my fat
just so I could get away from the snarky comments 
that are always "jokes" but feel like knives digging into my back.
I have become self conscious about what I wear,
not wanting to wear form fitting clothes to avoid the stare down
from another mother.
The point that I really want to make with this blog
is that us mothers have to stick together!
We have to uplift each other no matter what!!!
Whether your friend loses her weight or not,
if she has a better delivery than you
or a smoother recovery.
It seems like our world is so concentrated on the negative,
the horror stories and who had it worse
that we ignore the people who have had it ok and we ignore THEIR stories.
 We all go through struggles
and we all have our praises.
I want us women to be able to rejoice in the praises
as much as you encourage in the struggles.

Words are like daggers,whether you are joking or not.

Motherhood is tough enough!
Let's not put ourselves down, or others
but rather
use your words to praise others and
lift them up!!!