Sunday, March 11, 2012

My sewing machine has been busy....

So I have been sewing a lot lately.
I find it my getaway.
something I can pour my creativity into.
I'm just learning.
Each new thing I make is a new learning experience.
 With trial and error.
Here are a few things I have made lately...

Little shorts for Maelle:

Little shorts for Pea:

Daddy t-shirt dress:
"It's whats on the inside that counts - Twinkies"

Another Daddy t-shirt dress:

Here's a couple pics of the girls wearing their pillowcase dresses:

And this is my first project for myself, my new pencil skirt:

So that's it folks!
That is what I have been up to in my dining room!
I am hoping to eventually start a little kids clothing line so keep your eyes open for that!

I hope everyone had an amazing day today with the weather being GORGEOUS!!!
We took the two little sillies out for a walk this afternoon.
We brought our camera and had a little fun.
Here are a few favs from this afternoon!

I love these two girls so much!!!
They make me laugh!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Agnus Dei

So I shared this on my facebook.
Not sure how many people saw it.
Or checked it out.
But it made me cry.
It made my little hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
It is quite amazing.
This little boy.
Twelve years old.
Has such a powerful voice.
And he uses it for God.

He is so passionate.
I pray that fame does not ruin this passion.
That he stays pure.
This moved me.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Doodle, Doodle, Doodle

The Doodle Pad.
Who invented it?
Whoever did, they are a GENIUS!
 My children are occupied for not only minutes.
By this "doodle pad"
We went on a trip to Ottawa
the other day.
 Scoped out Value Village.
My mom came across 2 of these doodle pads.
they even come with a book each.
Perfect size for the car.
and they had TWO!
Things that come in two these days are EXTREMELY important!
If Pea has something,
Maelle WANTS it!
If Maelle has something,
Pea WANTS it!
It's just life right now.
Sharing is hard to learn.
But we are working on it.
So these doodle pads.
We got TWO!
And the girls LOVE them!
They've spent hours on these things.
And we've only had them a week.

Doddle Pads.
If you don't have one.
You may want to invest in one.
or two.
or three.
depending on how many children you have.