I have been battling facebook for a while now.
They say facebook has opened up a whole new way to communicate.
but then again
it has closed so many forms of communication.
I really like facebook for being able to share pictures and videos
of my girls to my best friends that are out of town.
I love how easy it is for them to be able to be part of our lives,
even when they live so far away
and we only get to see each other maybe once a year.
Other than that,
I really dislike facebook.
I hate how facebook has made it so easy to see what
is going on with people in your very own town.
Instead of calling them up
or having them over for tea,
you can go to their page and get caught up on everything that has
been going on in their lives lately.
I am such a culprit for this.
It is aweful!
You can creep peoples pages without leaving a trace.
Facebook makes "relationships" too easy.
It bothers me.
but can you really call them "relationships"?
Everything is done online.
Life outside of the online world is non existant.
I am really having a hard time with this.
I have debated deleting my facebook for this very fact,
but then I am cutting out those closest to me that are so far away.
I am not sure how to balance it
or how to change it.
My daily dilema.
and where do I go from here?
I have wasted too much time on this silly little site.
time away from my girls.
time away from my husband.
Does anyone else have this problem?
It sucks you in.
If you have any curious bone in your body,
you find yourself going from one page to the next.
But where do you call it quits?
How do you break this habit?
Do you just cut it off?