I would love to say that Thanksgiving was wonderful and a lovely time with family, but I would have to say, I would be lying. This Thanksgiving I was tested. Tested by my little 1.5 year old. She is the cutest little darling ever but boy did she test me this weekend. She is going through a stage. Something I am going to have to find plenty of patience for. She has been refusing food. Anything and everything I have given her, she has refused unless it is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, grilled cheese or french fries. I tried to give her ham, ham is something she usually LOVES and she would not even try it. She refused it just by looking at it. It is so frustrating! Has any of you moms gone through this??? I am at my wits end. I don't want to always bring around a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because my child refuses to eat anything else, but how do I get past it? I offer her EVERYTHING and she won't even put it in her mouth to try any of it. I know it's a stage, and everyone tells me not to get all bent out of shape but I can't help it. Not only does she refuse to try anything, but she will put up a fight if you try and feed her it. She has also been taking tantrums which hasn't helped the situation at all and when she gets in any type of crowd, she is ABSOLUTELY WILD! She will not listen, and if I try and make her do anything she doesn't want to do, she throws a tantrum and kicks and screams. I know it's a stage and we will get through it, but right now, being in the middle of it, I am tired. I am running low on patience and I ask God hourly sometimes for more to get me through the day. That being said, I spent most of my Thanksgiving dinners either crying, frustrated, angry, being stern and bold, or all of the above. It left very little room to sit and enjoy the festivities. I know this is just the time, and it will pass, it is just hard to see past it and know that it will not last forever. Right now it feels as though it will never end.

I absolutely LOVE her to death though! Even through this crazy stage!
Luke & I were able to sneak away for a little bit and take a trip back in the woods behind my grandma's on the 4-wheeler to check out the stoney steps and the beautiful colors!
We got a chance to take some family photos for the fam!
John, Patti, Hannah, Autumn & Alex
Jamie, Shannon, Gabie, Dyllon, Tiana & Oliver
Andy & Phallon
All the grandbabies minus Oliver and plus Phallon's little guy Austin
LOL it is RIDICULOUS trying to get a GOOD pic of all the grandbabies when they are all different ages! That was a funny pic we captured and we actually got a couple good ones surprisingly!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone....let's hope Christmas is a little less stressful!